
Top projects in Data & Market Research

Join the zoulloo freelance community, we target missions and projects in data and market research for you, adapted to your requirements and skills.

Une femme freelance travaille sur un PC
Data & Market Research

Community of Data & Market Research professionals

Communication is key to the efficiency and success of projects.

When a freelancer joins the zoulloo talent community, they become part of an elite selection of data and market research experts: A huge range of profiles — data scientists, data analysts, insight managers, social insight analysts, web analysts, data architects, data stewards, etc. — who all share the same passions and who have complementary skills, whether they are just getting started or seasoned experts.

Why zoulloo

What makes zoulloo special

zoulloo is the first platform 100% dedicated to data and market research professionals.
Founded by data and market research professionals, zoulloo ensures perfect matches between freelancers and projects, basing its professional matchmaking on 3 factors:

1. Selectivity

We select the top freelancers through a 4-stage onboarding pathway.

2. Precision

We qualify their technical and soft skills using more than 200 criteria, to help us match the right projects with the right talent profiles.

3. Close ties

We form close ties during the recruitment process, spending over 1 hour discussing with each talent accepted onto the zoulloo community.

Une équipe travaille et assite à une présentation
Building an engaged community and offering activity levels that significantly surpass other platforms on the market.
Our mission

Providing an optimal freelance experience

Identifying the potential of the top data and market research freelancers, and supporting them, helping them to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right business: zoulloo provides you with the best freelance experience possible by combining technology with a human touch.

Application process

Each freelancer is supported and guided by their Talent Agent at each step of the application process. Together, you will refine your profile and skills in order to target the projects that are the best fit for you.

Targeted projects

Because it specialises in data and market research, zoulloo targets missions that match your profile, expertise, and requirements.


zoulloo is the first community of freelance experts in data and market research, united by the same passions and complementary skills.

zoulloo identifies the potential of the top data and market research freelancers, and supports them, helping them to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right business.
Become a zoulloo talent

A 4-stage recruitment process

4 simple, clear and efficient steps to joining zoulloo's community for data and market research talents.

Se présenter

1. Introduce yourself

zoulloo prides itself on matching clients' needs with freelancers' skills: You tell us in detail about your skills and experience when you create your profile.


2. Chat

Calls are scheduled with your Talent Agent at each step of the application process. Once your profile is complete, we will start with an initial 30–40-minute interview to allow us to analyse your experience, qualifications, and expectations.


3. Evaluation

Based on your areas of expertise and experience, your Talent Agent will guide you through the next steps of your onboarding: Targeted and adapted valuations of your soft skills and hard skills, reference verifications, project analyses, etc.


4. Finalise

After a thorough review of your application, your Talent Agent will debrief you. If your application is validated, you will refine and finalise your profile together, aligning with the projects that are a good fit for you.

Join the zoulloo talent community

Pont - Logo zoulloo
You will receive project opportunities when your profile and your skills are matched with client needs.
Pont - Logo zoulloo
You will join the zoulloo talent community, a community of experts in data and market research: A space to share, learn, and connect.

zoulloo onboarding

Onboarding evaluation
Average onboarding lead time
Applications accepted

Much more than just a group of freelances

The zoulloo talent community is much more than just a group of freelancers. When you become a talent on our freelance platform, you join a community of experts in data and market research: A space for connecting, sharing, and learning.

Exchanging with your peers

The efficiency and success of projects lie in optimal communications. We believe in the power of sharing experience in order to stimulate professional growth and innovation. The zoulloo talent community is a network of passionate freelancers, united by their areas of expertise and their complementary skills.

Learn about their area of expertise

We are determined to offer you the resources you need to stay on the leading edge of your areas of expertise, and to keep you posted on the latest market trends, new technologies, and tools used in data and market research.

Acquiring new skills

We are fully aware of the importance of continuous skill development. This is why we regularly offer opportunities to strengthen your skills and acquire new skills. Whether it is through training courses, webinars or mentoring sessions, we are constantly working to find concrete ways of enabling you to expand your skillset and to help you stand out to your clients and on the market.

Thanks to its in-depth knowledge of the skills, expectations and requirements of the top data and market research freelancers, zoulloo is able to efficiently connect the right talent with the right project.

Frequently asked questions from freelancers

Other questions?

Make an appointment with a Talent Agent

Got other questions? Want to discover the platform? Make an appointment with a Talent Agent to discuss your expectations and the opportunities to set yourself apart on the data and market research market.

Les équipes de zoulloo vous répondent
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